Important Dates and Times!
Mon, 3/31: Holiday (Cesar Chavez/ Dolores Huerta Day)
Tue, 4/1, 7:30 am: Early practice – non-varsity – Pre-UIL String
Wed, 4/2, 7:30 am: Early practice – varsity – Pre-UIL String
Wed, 4/2, 6:30 pm: Pre-UIL String Concert at AHS
Fri, 4/4, 7:30 am: Early practice – non-varsity – UIL String
Mon, 4/7, 7:30 am: Early practice – varsity – UIL String
Tue, 4/8, 7:30 am: Early practice – non-varsity – UIL String
Tue, 4/8, 8 pm: Orchestra Parent Booster Club Meeting via Zoom
Wed, 4/9, 7:30 am: Early practice – varsity – UIL String
Wed, 4/9: UIL String (details below)
Sun, 4/13: French youth orchestra concert at the Austin High School
Fri, 4/18: Deadline for purchasing banquet tickets (BUY TICKETS HERE)
Sun, 4/27, 5 pm: Orchestra banquet (FULL DETAILS HERE)
Host a French Orchestra Student
The Austin High Vertical Team and the AYO family of orchestras is hosting a youth orchestra from the Angers region in France on one leg of a U.S. tour this spring. To enhance their cultural journey and experience Austin and other U.S. stops to their fullest, the orchestra seeks local families to host musicians and chaperones while they’re in town from April 10-14, 2025.
The French youth orchestra, OLDA, will perform a concert on Sunday, April 13, at Austin High PAC.
If you are interested in participating in this cultural exchange as a HOST FAMILY, please use this form to sign up. The responsibilities of host families are outlined in the intro to the form. Feel free to pass on the information to other families likely to be host families.
You can read more about the OLDA youth orchestra here:
Pre-UIL String Orchestra Concert
The Pre-UIL String Orchestra Concert will be held on Wednesday, April 2nd, at Austin High School at 6:30 pm.
UIL String Orchestra Competition
The UIL String Orchestra Competition is scheduled for Wednesday, April 9th, at the Austin ISD PAC. Parents are welcome to attend the competition!
Non-Varsity: 11:00 am
Varsity: 3:30 pm
Orchestra Booster Club Meeting
The next orchestra booster club meeting is Tuesday, April 8th, at 8:00 pm via Zoom. All are welcome to attend!
Orchestra Banquet at the Norris Conference Center and Senior Slideshow
The orchestra banquet will be held at the Norris Conference Center on Sunday, April 27th, at 5:00 pm. Tickets are $20 for students and $32 for non-students. Children 5 and under are free. The deadline for ordering tickets is Friday, April 18th. Purchase your banquet tickets here! The scholarship request form is available here!
Senior Slideshow
Seniors should also complete the two senior forms in advance of the banquet (including submission of their baby photos) for the senior slideshow. Please see the Cuttime newsletter for the links to the senior forms.
End of Year Slideshow
Please also send in any orchestra photos you may have taken this year so they can be shown at the banquet. Please see the Cuttime newsletter for the email address to send to.
Helpful Links
Get Messages Using Remind
Please make sure that you and your student(s) sign up to get important messages and reminders. To sign up for Remind, compose a text message to the number 81010.
Camerata Orchestra: @a2aa82
Philharmonic & Recital Orchestras: @g4kcfc2
Chamber Orchestra: @hh2949
Orchestra Parents: @hak8gd
Thank You to Our Sponsors!
Our Platinum Sponsors
The Dettmer Family,
in honor of Sam
The Mitchamore
Our Gold Sponsors